arrange the values in an array

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Hassan am 29 Apr. 2011
I have an array A(80 rows and 5 columns). I want to export it as a table to microsoft word as the values in A (i:i+4,j)are placed in one cell with no cell line between them. Not sure if it's possible in Matlab.
  3 Kommentare
Hassan am 29 Apr. 2011
Hi Andrei, I didn't get what you said but
for i=1:5:80
for j=1:5
% export it to word and remove the cell line for the above subarray which I dont know how? well, I don't think it's possible in Matlab. Maybe I need to copy A into an Excel's shet and then copy it from Excel to Word, select 5 cells (rows 1:5, column 1) and use Merge Cell option.
% know how
Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov am 29 Apr. 2011
agree or Excel or textfile.txt

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov am 29 Apr. 2011
in Excel
xlswrite('namexls',cellfun(@(x)num2str(x.'), mat2cell(A,5*ones(size(A,1)/5,1),ones(1,size(A,2))),'UniformOutput' , false),1,'A1');
  1 Kommentar
Hassan am 29 Apr. 2011
thanks a lot Andrei, this is the thing I was looking for. however, the values in each cell are arranged horizontally while I want to arrange them vertically. I sthere any way to transpose the data in each cell?

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Weitere Antworten (1)

Friedrich am 29 Apr. 2011
Or you can use Word as Com Server. I prepared a little example for you:
e = actxserver('Word.Application')
e.visible = 1
doc = e.newDocument.Application.Documents.Add
  1 Kommentar
Hassan am 29 Apr. 2011
thanks Friedrich. It's a good example to see how can have access to Word from Matlab.

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