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Can't calculate magnitude and phase of a transfer function

20 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Connie Dubh
Connie Dubh am 10 Nov. 2020
Beantwortet: Mathieu NOE am 13 Nov. 2020
I know of the commands abs() and angle(), but for some reason they're not working.
This is what I'm working with:
clear all
syms Req R_6 L C w
num1 = -Req*w^2/(Req+R_6)
den1= (-w^2 + 1/(L*C)) + 1i*(w/(C*(Req+R_6)))
func = num1/den1
However, it doesn't solve anything, it just says that the complex magnitude is |func| and that the phase is angle(func). How do I get the proper expressions?
  2 Kommentare
VBBV am 11 Nov. 2020
Which version of matlab are you using ?
VBBV am 11 Nov. 2020
You require some inputs values for symbilic variables in your func

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Antworten (1)

Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE am 13 Nov. 2020
ok , I am using any symbolic stuff here
numerically speaking , everything works fine (as soon as there are dots when needed)
Req = 1
R_6 = 1
L = 1
C = 1
w = logspace(0,3,10)
num1 = -Req*w.^2./(Req+R_6);
den1= (-w.^2 + 1/(L*C)) + 1i*(w/(C*(Req+R_6)));
func = num1./den1;




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