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datevec back to regular time

8 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Jo Bremer Balestracci
Jo Bremer Balestracci am 9 Nov. 2020
Kommentiert: Walter Roberson am 9 Nov. 2020
I am using datevec and performing calulations. The end result needs to be converted back to a regular time for the user. I have tried different things and I am still am getting the result I want. I did not put a date in which I normally do using the Date Picker. Can you help me?
t=datevec(state.TimeHHMMssEditField); % where state.TimeHHMMssEditField = 1:31:00
desiredTime = t(4) *3600 + t(5) * 60 + t(6);
NewTime =desiredTime % 5460
StartTime = NewTime + .5 %5460.5
Duration = (state.DurationinsecondsEditField)' % where state.DurationinsecondsEditField = 30 seconds
EndTime = StartTime + Duration %5490.5
% EndTime is in seconds. I want to convert the EndTime (5490.5) to look like 1:31:35
How do I do this?

Akzeptierte Antwort

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 9 Nov. 2020
However, this will have leading 0 . Leading 0 is used automatically if you do not use AM indicator.
I would recommend, by the way, that you switch to using datetime and duration objects, which make the code a lot cleaner.
  5 Kommentare
Jo Bremer Balestracci
Jo Bremer Balestracci am 9 Nov. 2020
How do I diplay fractions of a second? Do I use HH:MM:ss:SS?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 9 Nov. 2020
'HH:MM:ss.ff' for serial datenum work.
'HH:mm:ss.SS' for datetime() work.

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Weitere Antworten (1)

Steven Lord
Steven Lord am 9 Nov. 2020
I second Walter Roberson's suggestion to skip the datevec form and to use duration.
t = '1:31:00'
t = '1:31:00'
du = duration(t)
du = duration
newtime = du + seconds(0.5)
newtime = duration
newtime.Format = 'hh:mm:ss.SSS' % Show fractional seconds
newtime = duration
newt = string(newtime) % or char(newtime)
newt = "01:31:00.500"


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