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Am I correct in my approach regarding interpolation?

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
tzaloupas am 14 Feb. 2013
Geschlossen: MATLAB Answer Bot am 20 Aug. 2021
Dear all
I have the vector
[ NaN]
[ NaN]
[ NaN]
[ NaN]
[ NaN]
[ NaN]
[ NaN]
[ NaN]
[ NaN]
[ NaN]
[ NaN]
[ NaN]
[ NaN]
[ NaN]
[ NaN]
[ NaN]
and the date vector
and I am doing interpolation
xi = datenum(D, 'mm/yyyy');
z = interp1(xi(1:2:end),cell2mat(A(:,1)),xi);
idx = ~isnan(cell2mat(A(:,1)));
z= interp1(xi(idx),cell2mat(A(idx,1)),xi);
Could you please verify that I am correct in my approach ?

Antworten (1)

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek am 14 Feb. 2013
xi = datenum(D, 'mm/yyyy');
z = interp1(xi(3:4),v(3:4),xi,'spline');
  2 Kommentare
tzaloupas am 14 Feb. 2013
Hi Azzi. thanks What is the difference between your approach and mine?Is this linear interpolation?
Satyam Gaba
Satyam Gaba am 24 Aug. 2018
No it's not a linear function. Spline interpolation can be used for polynomial interpolation for low degree polynomials as well as higher degrees.

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