If statement for identifying row/column vectors/matrix/scalars
45 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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The question I am trying to solve, is how to create a function that recognizes the input given as either a colum vector, row vector, matrix, or scalar, depending on which category the input falls under it will execute simple arithmetic, that I can do. I have to create a function, myvec(x) that
the simple arithmetic I can execute, however, Im not sure how to type the if statements for the conditions the question prompts, for example, for the first condition how would I type
function y=myvec(x)
if y=rowvec? [1:n]? [1,n]?
or what is the correct way to do this, thank you
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Antworten (1)
Sudhakar Shinde
am 3 Nov. 2020
Bearbeitet: Sudhakar Shinde
am 3 Nov. 2020
'isrow' function returns true if input is row vector.
'iscolumn' function returns true if input is column vector.
'ismatrix' function returns true if input is matrix.
'isscalar' function returns true if input is scalar.
2 Kommentare
Sudhakar Shinde
am 3 Nov. 2020
example below
function y=myvec(x)
if isrow(x) %Check if row vector
ReveresRow = sort(x,'descend'); %Reverse elements
y = ReveresRow.^2; %Square
you can add else if conditions for column vector, matrix or scalar
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