How to directly create a non-random upper or lower triangle matrix without creating a full square matrix?

4 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
I want to create the upper triangle matrix only directly in matlab and reflect it to make a full square matrix. I will assign numerical values to all the variables listed in the matrix.

Antworten (1)

Rishabh Mishra
Rishabh Mishra am 4 Nov. 2020
Bearbeitet: Rishabh Mishra am 4 Nov. 2020
Consider the upper triangular matrix created below:
A = [1 2 3 4; 0 5 6 7; 0 0 8 9; 0 0 0 10];
To create the mirror image of upper triangle into the lower triangle, use the code below:
for i = 1:size(A,1)
for j = 1:size(A,1)
if j < i
A(i,j) = A(j,i);
Hope This helps.
  2 Kommentare
Raghu Echempati
Raghu Echempati am 5 Nov. 2020
Thanks. But I do not want to type in zeros for A. If I create a null (6,6) or zeros(6) matrix, how do I just add the upper triangle coeffients to the null matrix? That makes it easy for me not to type the zeros to define matrix A. Thanks.
Raghu Echempati
Raghu Echempati am 9 Nov. 2020
I hope you understood my question. How can I just create the elements (cofficients) of an upper or lower triangle matrix without adding zeros to make it a squre matrix?

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