Error -118 during installation of MATLAB R2020b in Windows; computer is connected to the Internet

4 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
I have downloaded the Mathworks Product Installer on a Windows PC that is connected to the Internet. I execute the installer and accept the licence agreement. After that I get the following message:
Unable to open the requested feature.Check your internet connection and proxy settings in MATLAB Web preferences and then try starting the feature again.
Detailed information:
Error code: -118
How can I solve this?

Antworten (1)

Rhea Chandy
Rhea Chandy am 12 Okt. 2020
I understand that you are facing internet connection difficulties while using Mathworks Product Installer. It is possible that your Computer Security software is preventing the MathWorks Installer from connecting to the MathWorks servers. You can follow the steps indicated in this similar question answered by Mathworks staff.
If you are unable to activate successfully, you can also activate MATLAB manually without an internet connection. The steps indicated here will explain the process.
If the issue persists after troubleshooting, you can Contact Support and raise a service request.


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