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Call out specific data columns to use in function.

18 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Slane Haltine
Slane Haltine am 7 Okt. 2020
Kommentiert: Star Strider am 8 Okt. 2020
I am just starting to learn how to use functions. I am trying to create a function that has multiple outputs and uses two vectors with data. The data in from an imported excel fine named file.xlsx. I am trying to create a function that will call on two columns (1&2 and separately, 4&10). My function will eventually plot the means in a bar graph (and include text at the top) so this is what I have so far (VERY simple) but I am not sure how to write the input in order to call out specific columns. I am assuming I will call out the specific vectors, from the data, when I actually use the function as apposed to calling out specific vectors in the function itself. any help would be appreciated.
function [m,BG] = av(x)
m = mean(x)
BG = bar(m)

Antworten (1)

Star Strider
Star Strider am 7 Okt. 2020
I would do something like this:
function [m,BG] = av(x)
xsel = x(:,[4 10]);
m = mean(xsel);
BG = bar(m);
save it as av.m on your MATLAB user path, then call it as:
D = readmatrix('file.xlsx');
[m,BG] = av(D);
Note that ‘BG’ will be a (1x2) bar array. If you want to re-create it later:
bar(BG.XData, BG.YData)
  12 Kommentare
Slane Haltine
Slane Haltine am 8 Okt. 2020
Bearbeitet: Slane Haltine am 8 Okt. 2020
I believe I was able to make it work, but not entirely through the function. I called out the specific columns and assigned variables, then ran the function using those variables. Thank you for all of your patients/help with this.
function [m,BG] = av(x)
m = mean(x)
figure(1); hold on
BG = bar(m)
%function to find mean and plot into bar graph
C1 = xlsread('MetabolicSummaryData.xlsx', 'MetricSurface','B3:M12') %create MetabolicData.m to extract data
MetabolicData %run MetabolicData.m
x = C1(:,[1 2]);% - Condition 1 and 2
y1 = C1(:,4);% - Condition 4 and 10
y2 = C1(:,12);
y = [y1 y2];
Star Strider
Star Strider am 8 Okt. 2020
That appears to be correct.
However, while was off doing other things, intending to come back here in a few minutes, the file seems to have disappeared.

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