Points inside multiple polygon for contour
5 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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Tessa Kol
am 29 Sep. 2020
Kommentiert: Tessa Kol
am 29 Sep. 2020
I made the following contourplot.

Then, I plot discretized points over this plot.

I wanted to find the (x,y) coordinates of the discretized points within the region between the boundaries 40.94 and 43. This is the way how I approached it. With contourtable I acquired the (x,y) coordinates of the contourlines.
muSP = [0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9];
muRP = [0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9];
[X,Y] = meshgrid(muSP,muRP);
Z = cell2mat(reshape(AoR_mean,[9,9]));
[C,h] = contour(X,Y,Z,(40.9431:2.0538:42.9969));
hold on
title('Angle of Repose - Ledge Test 2D');
h.LevelList = round(h.LevelList,2);
grid on
% Extract x- and y-coordinates of contour lines
contourTable = getContourLineCoordinates(h);
% Define grid for the variable space
N1 = 80;
muRP_grid = linspace(0.1,0.9,N1);
muSP_grid = linspace(0.1,0.9,N1);
[R,S] = meshgrid(muRP_grid,muSP_grid);
hold off
% x- and y-coordinates of polygon vertices, i.e. between AoR of 40.11 degrees
% and AoR of 43.83 degrees
xv = table2array(contourTable(1:31,3));
yv = table2array(contourTable(1:31,4));
inside_variablespace = inpolygon(R,S,xv,yv);
% x- and y-coordinates corresponding to the discretized points in the
% variable spac
xcoord = R(inside_variablespace);
ycoord = S(inside_variablespace);
However, for some reason I don't get de discretized points within the boundaries 40.94 and 43.

0 Kommentare
Akzeptierte Antwort
am 29 Sep. 2020
Read about inpolygon. If you have a polygon and a set of points, you cann extract the points lying inside this polygon using that.
8 Kommentare
Adam Danz
am 29 Sep. 2020
Bearbeitet: Adam Danz
am 29 Sep. 2020
Check out the examples in the documentation
You can call inpolygon on the outer polygon, then call inpolygon on the inner polygon, then remove selected points that are in both.
A = inpolygon(...)
B = inpolygon(...)
A(B) = false;
Use these answers as a stepping stone rather than looking for full solutions.
Weitere Antworten (1)
Ameer Hamza
am 29 Sep. 2020
There is no need to use inpolygon here. You can directly create a mask from the Z matrix. Following shows an example, and find the x and y coordinates from the mesh between contour lines at 0.33 and 0.66
[X, Y] = meshgrid(linspace(-1, 1));
Z = X.^2 + Y.^2;
levels = [0 0.33 0.66 1]; % levels for contour plot
mask = Z < 0.66 & Z > 0.33;
x_coord = X(mask);
y_coord = Y(mask);
contour(X, Y, Z, levels)
hold on
plot(x_coord, y_coord, '+')
4 Kommentare
Ameer Hamza
am 29 Sep. 2020
What is the error. In the data you shared, AoR_mean is undefined, so I cannot run your code to see the issue.
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