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How to same size of plot and histogram

6 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Mustafa Vural
Mustafa Vural am 21 Sep. 2020
Kommentiert: Mustafa Vural am 21 Sep. 2020
I want to compare my function with given parameters with my histogram with generated random numbers.
So, I want to put these two plots in one figure. But my histogram is on the y-axis much more bigger (around 250) than my fplot (around 2). How can I put them in the same size and compare them? I want to see if my histogram has the same shape as my function.
clear all;
t0 = 0.5;
T_A = 1;
b_A = 2;
fun_A2p = @(x) (b_A/T_A).*(x/T_A).^(b_A-1).*(exp(-(x/T_A).^(b_A)));
fun_A3p = @(x) (b_A/(T_A-t0)).*((x-t0)/(T_A-t0)).^(b_A-1).*(exp(-((x-t0)/(T_A-t0)).^(b_A)));
fplot(fun_A2p,[0,10], 'LineWidth',2, "Color", 'b')
hold on
fplot(fun_A3p,[0,10], 'LineWidth',2, "Color", 'r', 'LineStyle', '--')
hold on
for v_T = 1:length(T_A)
for v_b = 1:length(b_A)
data2p(:,v_b,v_T) = wblrnd(v_T,v_b, [n,1]);
data3p(:,v_b,v_T) = wblrnd(v_T,v_b, [n,1]) + t0;
h1= histogram(data2p);
hold on;
h2= histogram(data3p);
set(h1,'FaceColor',[0 0 1],'EdgeColor',[0 0 1],'facealpha',0.5);
set(h2,'FaceColor',[1 0 0],'EdgeColor',[1 0 0],'facealpha',0.5);
ax = gca;
grid on; %Gitter anzeigen
box on; %Rahmen zeigen
title ('Vergleich Dichtefunktion mit Histogram');
xlabel('Lebensdauer t');
ylabel('Dichtefunktion f(x)');
legend('2 parametrisch', '3 parametrisch')

Akzeptierte Antwort

the cyclist
the cyclist am 21 Sep. 2020
I think that using
h1= histogram(data2p,'Normalization','pdf');
h2= histogram(data3p,'Normalization','pdf');
and of course removing
will get you much closer to what you want.
You could also just use the histcounts function to get the counts, and then the bar function to plot them (applying whatever normalization factor you want).
  1 Kommentar
Mustafa Vural
Mustafa Vural am 21 Sep. 2020
Thank you very much, it works pretty good! I appreciate it.

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