Recording the workspace in Simulink

3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
James Rhodes
James Rhodes am 13 Sep. 2020
Beantwortet: Shraddha Jain am 5 Mär. 2021
Hi, is there any way to record the workspace window within Simulink and return image/video data in real-time similar to imaqtool? The picture below shows the region which I'm interested in recording and feeding back to simulink, and then processing the image using a matlab function.

Antworten (1)

Shraddha Jain
Shraddha Jain am 5 Mär. 2021
Hi James,
There is a way to record the multibody animation video in MATLAB using the smwritevideo function available in the Simscape Multibody toolbox.
This function saves the video in the current MATLAB folder. The video file format is that specified in the Video Creator tool. Kindly refer to the documentation page of smwritevideo for more information.
Hope this helps!


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