remove unused callbacks from GUI m files
2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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Hello all,
I am using both MATLAB 2011a and MATLAB 2012b and I have large .m files corresponding to the GUI`s that I have created.
Sadly there are a lot of callbacks that were created automatically and that means ugly and big code size.
The function "name_Callback" might be unused is the message
Is there a way to safely remove these functions ? If I just delete them from my .m file will the GUI still work perfectly or is there a slight chance it won't?
Thanks in advance,
1 Kommentar
Daniel Shub
am 18 Jan. 2013
I assume you get this from message from mlint. The only concern is if the function is used, but in a way that mlint cannot detect it. For example as a string in a callback.
Antworten (3)
Azzi Abdelmalek
am 18 Jan. 2013
Bearbeitet: Azzi Abdelmalek
am 18 Jan. 2013
All unused callback functions can be removed
0 Kommentare
Sean de Wolski
am 18 Jan. 2013
Yes, you can remove them. Just make sure there is no UItool that requires them first. I would recommend commenting followed by deletion if testing passes.
0 Kommentare
am 18 Jan. 2013
Should not be a problem. Be careful that that message will appear on all your callbacks (local functions), even the ones you do use--assuming you used GUIDE to create the GUI.
You may also see a warning if the callback is not also removed from the properties of the respective uicontrol.
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