How do I get ode45 to output the dependent variable value at each time step? I have other material properties in my differential equation that change with temperature, so I must update them with each change in temperature.
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the equation looks like this:
dT/dt = T/cB(T,B) * d/dT( M(T)) * d/dt( B(t))
cB(T) = the specific heat M(T) = the magnetization of the material
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Jonathan Epperl
am 10 Jan. 2013
The answer to your topic is that the odefun, i.e. the function you pass to ode45 as in ode45(odefun,tspan,x0) needs include the line
as in
function dydt = odefun(t,y)
%[...] code
but I don't think that's what you really want to do/know. Could you detail your question? Also, what is B(t), is that another state you're not telling us about, or is that a known function/input?
Is there a closed form of M(T), cB(T,B) that you are using, or is it a look-up table?
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