How can calculate ( MSE , NMSE , Correlation Coefficient ) for the output result of neural network ?

22 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
I want to calculate ( Mean Square Error , Normalized Mean Square Error , Correlation Coefficient ) for the output result of neural network using matlab code ...
the Data are a group of different images, its features were extracted using PCA and then entered into the Nueral Network.
How can I know about system performance ?
PLZ any help .. thanks
  4 Kommentare
Aya Ahmed
Aya Ahmed am 20 Aug. 2020
yuval,, I want to make image classification in to three types of images
Aya Ahmed
Aya Ahmed am 20 Aug. 2020
Greg Heath the output is like that : -
three classes of images ,, i want to get there performance like Mean Square Error , Normalized Mean Square Error , Correlation Coefficient

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Antworten (1)

masoud sistaninejad
masoud sistaninejad am 4 Aug. 2021
Bearbeitet: masoud sistaninejad am 4 Aug. 2021
inputs = x_test ; % your test data inputs
targets = y_test ; % your test data targets
P = net(inputs);
Error = targets - P;
MSE = mse(targets,P);
NMSE = (mean(error.^2)) / (mean(var(targets',1)));


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