Change "Edit" uicontrols background (how to set a structure array element to a specific value?)

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
I have a row of "edit" uicontrols. The handles of these are in a vector (e.g. in c). I want to change the background color of each "edit" uicontrol.
c(1) = uicontrol(hfig...
,'Position',[20 20 60 20]...
c(2) = uicontrol(hfig...
,'Position',[20 50 60 20]...
If I try to change the background color
c.BackgroundColor= [1 0 0]
c(:).BackgroundColor= [1 0 0]
gives the same error:
"Expected one output from a curly brace or dot indexing expression, but there were 2 results."
Is it possible to do it this or similar way, or just the for loop is the solution? I would be happy if logical indexing would work changing just special edit boxes' Foreground!

Akzeptierte Antwort

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 11 Aug. 2020
set(c, 'BackGroundCOlor', [1 0 0])
  5 Kommentare
Csaba am 12 Aug. 2020
Sorry Walter, it does not work on structures. It also works on objects, but does not on user definied structures.
arrayfun(@(V) setfield(V, 'd', 22), a) %works on structs
ans =
ans =
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 13 Aug. 2020
a = arrayfun(@(V) setfield(V, 'd', 22), a);
setfield() returns a new structure with the changes, but does not change any variable passed into it.
setfield() works to change graphics objects without assignment because graphics objects are handle objects.

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