Combining/Merging Output for Multiple NetCDF Files
78 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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Michelle De Luna
am 1 Aug. 2020
Kommentiert: Afiq
am 12 Aug. 2024
Good afternoon! I have a series of 31 netCDF files (.nc4), each representing a day of the month. Variables for each of the files include latitude, longitude, and time among other things (note: there are 4 time-steps included in each .nc file, so the variable "time" is a 4x1 column vector representing four distinct times during the day [0h 6h 12h 18h] for each day). I am trying to run a for loop to combine all of my netCDF files and their respective variables into one single file I can easily work with in the future. However, I am having difficulty doing so because I'm not sure how to combine the output of each of the variables. Any suggestions? Here's what I have so far...
ncfiles = dir('*.nc4') %this identifies all files within my folder ending in '.nc4'
Nfiles = length(ncfiles) %this indicates the number of files in my folder (i.e. 31)
for i = 1:Nfiles
ncfiles(i).name %this just helps my OCD in listing the name of the file
time = ncread(ncfiles(i).name, 'time') %this reads the variable "time" for each of my 31 .nc files
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Akzeptierte Antwort
Walter Roberson
am 1 Aug. 2020
ncfiles = dir('*.nc4'); %this identifies all files within my folder ending in '.nc4'
Nfiles = length(ncfiles); %this indicates the number of files in my folder (i.e. 31)
all_times = cell(Nfiles,1);
for i = 1:Nfiles
ncfiles(i).name %this just helps my OCD in listing the name of the file
all_times{i} = ncread(ncfiles(i).name, 'time') %this reads the variable "time" for each of my 31 .nc files
This postpones all consideration of the best way to combine the information until after the data has been read in and stored. Afterwards you could
time = horzcat(all_times{:});
for example if each individual entry is a column vector of consistent length.
2 Kommentare
am 25 Jun. 2022
Hi everyone,
I also want to merge multiple nc files. But my files are unequal in longitude. Some are 406x271 (lon x lat) and some are (408 x 271) (lon x lat). How to do merging in such a case?
Looking forward to any kind of suggestions or help...
Weitere Antworten (2)
L Chi
am 22 Jun. 2021
Bearbeitet: Walter Roberson
am 22 Jun. 2021
I wrote a function (FUN_nc_merge) for this purpose previously. It is a part of my package for handling netcdf files and can be downloaded from here:
An example is shown below:
% input_dir: path for the folder containing the files
input_dir = '.';
% filelist
filelist = dir(fullfile(input_dir,'Merge_Demo*.nc'));
% output filename
output_fn = '';
% name of the demension to be merged.
merge_dim_name = 'time';
% compatibility_mode:
% compatibility_mode = 1: write netCDF in 'CLOBBER'; Compression would be disabled.
% compatibility_mode = 0: write netCDF in 'NETCDF4'.
compatibility_mode = 0;
strvcat( filelist(:).name )
FUN_nc_merge( input_dir, filelist, output_fn, merge_dim_name, compatibility_mode )
7 Kommentare
Abdullah Azzam
am 24 Mai 2021
Hi @Michelle De Luna I am new with matlab. i have run the above code and i couldn't save the merged or combine file. Can you please help me to merg multiple Nc file into the same directory by a specified name. Thanks
3 Kommentare
Abdullah Azzam
am 26 Mai 2021
Thank you very much dear @Walter Roberson and @Michelle De Luna. I am working with GCM climate model which contains multi-NetCDF files. I need to merg multi-Netcdf file to a single to ease in processing using matlab. The variable included in all Netcdf files are same i.e. time, lat, lon and variables such as pr (precipiation), tasmax (Maximum temperature), and tas (Mean temperature) etc. Thank you both for helping.
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