How to integrate a matrix of a certain dimension?!

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Shashank am 19 Dez. 2012
Suppose I have a temperature matrix, T = zeros(Nz+1,Nt+1). Nz are number of elements in the z-axis and Nt are number of elements in the time-axis.
What command should I use for calculating the following integral?
E = integral of [A*T(z,:)*exp(-B*z)] with limits z = 0 to L.
Here, the temperature inside the integral is a function of the position z at a certain time.
Any kind of help will be appreciated. Thanks.
  6 Kommentare
Shashank am 19 Dez. 2012
Walter, could you help with the syntax for trapz() in my case?!
Nt = 100; Nz = 100;
dz = 1/100;
z = 0:dz:Lz;
TSi = zeros(Nz+1,Nt+1);
Y(i) = (TSi(1:end,i).^4)*exp(-A*z);
% A is a constant, "i" is the ith timestep
T_integral(i) = trapz(z,Y(i));
I am having trouble with dimension mismatch. Could you please tell me how to define Y such that it integrates over ith column of TSi only?!
Shashank am 19 Dez. 2012
Or is there a way to convert the temperature data points into a polynomial so that calculation becomes easy? Maybe use a curve-fit?

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Antworten (1)

Muruganandham Subramanian
Muruganandham Subramanian am 19 Dez. 2012
Bearbeitet: Muruganandham Subramanian am 19 Dez. 2012
  1 Kommentar
Shashank am 19 Dez. 2012
Thanks for your answer. But that does not help somehow.

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