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I want to write a code for Fano lineshape fit.

28 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Arjun Upadhyay
Arjun Upadhyay am 17 Jul. 2020
Kommentiert: Arjun Upadhyay am 21 Jul. 2020
I want to fit Fano resonance with experimental data. The formula for Fano resonance is
R = | p(w) + (A . G. exp(i.o) / [w - w0 + i.(g + G)])| ^2
p(w) is also a complex valued. Plot is b/w R & w. Other values also need to find to get correct fit.
I did some basic liner fit using polyval, polyfit. I have no idea how do I fit this complex expression with multiple variable.
  3 Kommentare
Alex Sha
Alex Sha am 21 Jul. 2020
Hi, just don't understand what the means of "Wavelength Reflectivity" in your Excel data file? which one is independent variable? which one is dependent variable?, what is your fitting function?
Arjun Upadhyay
Arjun Upadhyay am 21 Jul. 2020
Hi, wavelength( energy) is the independent variable and Reflectivity is dependent. The fitting function is mentioned above as Fano formula and also given in attached pdf under eq 2.28.

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Antworten (1)

Alan Stevens
Alan Stevens am 18 Jul. 2020
Create a function that calculates the sum of squared differences (SS) between your function and the measured values, and then use fminsearch to determine the values of your variables that minimize SS?
Try help fminsearch to see if it will do what you want.


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