How to display special characters in tooltip?

8 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
G A am 10 Jul. 2020
Kommentiert: PJ am 29 Mär. 2023
Symbols <, > and & are displayed in tooltip in Appdesigner as &lt;, &gt; and &amp;
Is the way to display those symbols correctly? See the test code below.
classdef test_app1 < matlab.apps.AppBase
% Properties that correspond to app components
properties (Access = public)
UIFigure matlab.ui.Figure
EditFieldLabel matlab.ui.control.Label
EditField matlab.ui.control.NumericEditField
% Component initialization
methods (Access = private)
% Create UIFigure and components
function createComponents(app)
% Create UIFigure and hide until all components are created
app.UIFigure = uifigure('Visible', 'off');
app.UIFigure.Position = [100 100 640 480];
app.UIFigure.Name = 'MATLAB App';
% Create EditFieldLabel
app.EditFieldLabel = uilabel(app.UIFigure);
app.EditFieldLabel.HorizontalAlignment = 'right';
app.EditFieldLabel.Position = [209 282 56 22];
app.EditFieldLabel.Text = 'Edit Field';
% Create EditField
app.EditField = uieditfield(app.UIFigure, 'numeric');
app.EditField.Tooltip = {'if a>b and c<d, then A&b are real'};
app.EditField.Position = [280 282 100 22];
% Show the figure after all components are created
app.UIFigure.Visible = 'on';
% App creation and deletion
methods (Access = public)
% Construct app
function app = test_app1
% Create UIFigure and components
% Register the app with App Designer
registerApp(app, app.UIFigure)
if nargout == 0
clear app
% Code that executes before app deletion
function delete(app)
% Delete UIFigure when app is deleted

Antworten (1)

Anirudh Singh
Anirudh Singh am 13 Jul. 2020
I am trying the same code but for me, it is showing Special character only, not as &lt;, &gt; and &amp.
function createComponents(app)
% Create UIFigure and hide until all components are created
app.UIFigure = uifigure('Visible', 'off');
app.UIFigure.Colormap = [0.2431 0.149 0.6588;0.2431 0.1529 0.6745;0.2471 0.1569 0.6863;0.2471 0.1608 0.698;0.251 0.1647 0.7059;0.251 0.1686 0.7176;0.2549 0.1725 0.7294;0.2549 0.1765 0.7412;0.2588 0.1804 0.749;0.2588 0.1843 0.7608;0.2627 0.1882 0.7725;0.2588 0.1882 0.7804;0.2627 0.1961 0.7922;0.2667 0.2 0.8039;0.2667 0.2039 0.8157;0.2706 0.2078 0.8235;0.2706 0.2157 0.8353;0.2706 0.2196 0.8431;0.2745 0.2235 0.851;0.2745 0.2275 0.8627;0.2745 0.2314 0.8706;0.2745 0.2392 0.8784;0.2784 0.2431 0.8824;0.2784 0.2471 0.8902;0.2784 0.2549 0.898;0.2784 0.2588 0.902;0.2784 0.2667 0.9098;0.2784 0.2706 0.9137;0.2784 0.2745 0.9216;0.2824 0.2824 0.9255;0.2824 0.2863 0.9294;0.2824 0.2941 0.9333;0.2824 0.298 0.9412;0.2824 0.3059 0.9451;0.2824 0.3098 0.949;0.2824 0.3137 0.9529;0.2824 0.3216 0.9569;0.2824 0.3255 0.9608;0.2824 0.3294 0.9647;0.2784 0.3373 0.9686;0.2784 0.3412 0.9686;0.2784 0.349 0.9725;0.2784 0.3529 0.9765;0.2784 0.3569 0.9804;0.2784 0.3647 0.9804;0.2745 0.3686 0.9843;0.2745 0.3765 0.9843;0.2745 0.3804 0.9882;0.2706 0.3843 0.9882;0.2706 0.3922 0.9922;0.2667 0.3961 0.9922;0.2627 0.4039 0.9922;0.2627 0.4078 0.9961;0.2588 0.4157 0.9961;0.2549 0.4196 0.9961;0.251 0.4275 0.9961;0.2471 0.4314 1;0.2431 0.4392 1;0.2353 0.4431 1;0.2314 0.451 1;0.2235 0.4549 1;0.2196 0.4627 0.9961;0.2118 0.4667 0.9961;0.2078 0.4745 0.9922;0.2 0.4784 0.9922;0.1961 0.4863 0.9882;0.1922 0.4902 0.9882;0.1882 0.498 0.9843;0.1843 0.502 0.9804;0.1843 0.5098 0.9804;0.1804 0.5137 0.9765;0.1804 0.5176 0.9725;0.1804 0.5255 0.9725;0.1804 0.5294 0.9686;0.1765 0.5333 0.9647;0.1765 0.5412 0.9608;0.1765 0.5451 0.9569;0.1765 0.549 0.9529;0.1765 0.5569 0.949;0.1725 0.5608 0.9451;0.1725 0.5647 0.9412;0.1686 0.5686 0.9373;0.1647 0.5765 0.9333;0.1608 0.5804 0.9294;0.1569 0.5843 0.9255;0.1529 0.5922 0.9216;0.1529 0.5961 0.9176;0.149 0.6 0.9137;0.149 0.6039 0.9098;0.1451 0.6078 0.9098;0.1451 0.6118 0.9059;0.1412 0.6196 0.902;0.1412 0.6235 0.898;0.1373 0.6275 0.898;0.1373 0.6314 0.8941;0.1333 0.6353 0.8941;0.1294 0.6392 0.8902;0.1255 0.6471 0.8902;0.1216 0.651 0.8863;0.1176 0.6549 0.8824;0.1137 0.6588 0.8824;0.1137 0.6627 0.8784;0.1098 0.6667 0.8745;0.1059 0.6706 0.8706;0.102 0.6745 0.8667;0.098 0.6784 0.8627;0.0902 0.6824 0.8549;0.0863 0.6863 0.851;0.0784 0.6902 0.8471;0.0706 0.6941 0.8392;0.0627 0.698 0.8353;0.0549 0.702 0.8314;0.0431 0.702 0.8235;0.0314 0.7059 0.8196;0.0235 0.7098 0.8118;0.0157 0.7137 0.8078;0.0078 0.7176 0.8;0.0039 0.7176 0.7922;0 0.7216 0.7882;0 0.7255 0.7804;0 0.7294 0.7765;0.0039 0.7294 0.7686;0.0078 0.7333 0.7608;0.0157 0.7333 0.7569;0.0235 0.7373 0.749;0.0353 0.7412 0.7412;0.051 0.7412 0.7373;0.0627 0.7451 0.7294;0.0784 0.7451 0.7216;0.0902 0.749 0.7137;0.102 0.7529 0.7098;0.1137 0.7529 0.702;0.1255 0.7569 0.6941;0.1373 0.7569 0.6863;0.1451 0.7608 0.6824;0.1529 0.7608 0.6745;0.1608 0.7647 0.6667;0.1686 0.7647 0.6588;0.1725 0.7686 0.651;0.1804 0.7686 0.6471;0.1843 0.7725 0.6392;0.1922 0.7725 0.6314;0.1961 0.7765 0.6235;0.2 0.7804 0.6157;0.2078 0.7804 0.6078;0.2118 0.7843 0.6;0.2196 0.7843 0.5882;0.2235 0.7882 0.5804;0.2314 0.7882 0.5725;0.2392 0.7922 0.5647;0.251 0.7922 0.5529;0.2588 0.7922 0.5451;0.2706 0.7961 0.5373;0.2824 0.7961 0.5255;0.2941 0.7961 0.5176;0.3059 0.8 0.5059;0.3176 0.8 0.498;0.3294 0.8 0.4863;0.3412 0.8 0.4784;0.3529 0.8 0.4667;0.3686 0.8039 0.4549;0.3804 0.8039 0.4471;0.3922 0.8039 0.4353;0.4039 0.8039 0.4235;0.4196 0.8039 0.4118;0.4314 0.8039 0.4;0.4471 0.8039 0.3922;0.4627 0.8 0.3804;0.4745 0.8 0.3686;0.4902 0.8 0.3569;0.5059 0.8 0.349;0.5176 0.8 0.3373;0.5333 0.7961 0.3255;0.5451 0.7961 0.3176;0.5608 0.7961 0.3059;0.5765 0.7922 0.2941;0.5882 0.7922 0.2824;0.6039 0.7882 0.2745;0.6157 0.7882 0.2627;0.6314 0.7843 0.251;0.6431 0.7843 0.2431;0.6549 0.7804 0.2314;0.6706 0.7804 0.2235;0.6824 0.7765 0.2157;0.698 0.7765 0.2078;0.7098 0.7725 0.2;0.7216 0.7686 0.1922;0.7333 0.7686 0.1843;0.7451 0.7647 0.1765;0.7608 0.7647 0.1725;0.7725 0.7608 0.1647;0.7843 0.7569 0.1608;0.7961 0.7569 0.1569;0.8078 0.7529 0.1529;0.8157 0.749 0.1529;0.8275 0.749 0.1529;0.8392 0.7451 0.1529;0.851 0.7451 0.1569;0.8588 0.7412 0.1569;0.8706 0.7373 0.1608;0.8824 0.7373 0.1647;0.8902 0.7373 0.1686;0.902 0.7333 0.1765;0.9098 0.7333 0.1804;0.9176 0.7294 0.1882;0.9255 0.7294 0.1961;0.9373 0.7294 0.2078;0.9451 0.7294 0.2157;0.9529 0.7294 0.2235;0.9608 0.7294 0.2314;0.9686 0.7294 0.2392;0.9765 0.7294 0.2431;0.9843 0.7333 0.2431;0.9882 0.7373 0.2431;0.9961 0.7412 0.2392;0.9961 0.7451 0.2353;0.9961 0.7529 0.2314;0.9961 0.7569 0.2275;0.9961 0.7608 0.2235;0.9961 0.7686 0.2196;0.9961 0.7725 0.2157;0.9961 0.7804 0.2078;0.9961 0.7843 0.2039;0.9961 0.7922 0.2;0.9922 0.7961 0.1961;0.9922 0.8039 0.1922;0.9922 0.8078 0.1922;0.9882 0.8157 0.1882;0.9843 0.8235 0.1843;0.9843 0.8275 0.1804;0.9804 0.8353 0.1804;0.9765 0.8392 0.1765;0.9765 0.8471 0.1725;0.9725 0.851 0.1686;0.9686 0.8588 0.1647;0.9686 0.8667 0.1647;0.9647 0.8706 0.1608;0.9647 0.8784 0.1569;0.9608 0.8824 0.1569;0.9608 0.8902 0.1529;0.9608 0.898 0.149;0.9608 0.902 0.149;0.9608 0.9098 0.1451;0.9608 0.9137 0.1412;0.9608 0.9216 0.1373;0.9608 0.9255 0.1333;0.9608 0.9333 0.1294;0.9647 0.9373 0.1255;0.9647 0.9451 0.1216;0.9647 0.949 0.1176;0.9686 0.9569 0.1098;0.9686 0.9608 0.1059;0.9725 0.9686 0.102;0.9725 0.9725 0.0941;0.9765 0.9765 0.0863;0.9765 0.9843 0.0824];
app.UIFigure.Position = [100 100 640 480];
app.UIFigure.Name = 'UI Figure';
% Create EditFieldLabel
app.EditFieldLabel = uilabel(app.UIFigure);
app.EditFieldLabel.HorizontalAlignment = 'right';
app.EditFieldLabel.Position = [216 341 56 22];
app.EditFieldLabel.Text = 'Edit Field';
% Create EditField
app.EditField = uieditfield(app.UIFigure, 'numeric');
app.EditField.Tooltip = {'if a>b and c<d, then A&b are real'};
app.EditField.Position = [287 341 100 22];
% Show the figure after all components are created
app.UIFigure.Visible = 'on';
can you please check again and if it's not showing Special character to you please share the screenshot of the character you are getting.
  2 Kommentare
G A am 14 Jul. 2020
Can it be because OS on my laptop is still Win 7?
PJ am 29 Mär. 2023
I'm having a similar issue. The less than symbol < is displayed as &lt in the tooltip. Using Windows 10, R2020a.

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