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Switching the output between signals

3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Pat am 4 Dez. 2012
I have tw sine waves with different amplitude and stop time is 0.08,i used 2 sine wave blocks a switch with threshold of 0.04,and a clock..
Now i get output with half each waves,now i want to switch signals after each 0.02s
please assist
  2 Kommentare
TAB am 4 Dez. 2012
What is sample time of your model ?
Pat am 5 Dez. 2012
Sampletime is 0

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Antworten (1)

Jonathan Epperl
Jonathan Epperl am 4 Dez. 2012
Multiply your sine waves with a pulse, which is 1 when the multiplied sine wave is supposed to be active, 0 otherwise. I think the pulse generator or repeating sequence blocks will be adequate.
Now add those two signals (the sine wave times pulse) using a SUM block. Voila.
  3 Kommentare
Jonathan Epperl
Jonathan Epperl am 4 Dez. 2012
Bearbeitet: Jonathan Epperl am 4 Dez. 2012
Sorry, I misspoke, what I meant was a pulse train.
This here is a pulse
__| |______
This is a pulse train:
__ __ __
__| |__| |__| |__
Pat am 4 Dez. 2012
I tried but it doesnot switch signals,fore ex my signals must switch after each 0.02s

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