Heatmap Axis Labels Printing Vertically?
40 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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Quick question, the x-labels on my heatmap are showing up vertically. I can't find the reason for this. This is what I have to generate the figure
x1 = linspace(17,23.5,14)
x2 = linspace(0,16.5,34)
xx = [x1 x2]
heatmap(xx, snow_height,snow11, 'Colormap', gray)
ax = gca;
tmp = ax.XDisplayLabels;
tmp(setdiff(1:end,1:6:end)) = {''};
ax.XDisplayLabels = tmp;
and this is what is showing up. How can I get the numbers oriented properly (horizontally) on the x-axis?

2 Kommentare
am 27 Jun. 2020
" the x-labels on my heatmap are showing up vertically. I can't find the reason for this..."
The reason is that there are so many initially before you thin them out it tries to make fit as best it can.
Try commenting out the lines after the call to heatmap to see what looks like before...
Antworten (2)
Yair Altman
am 29 Jun. 2020
The heatmap's X labels orientation is dynamically determined based on the number of labels and the axes width. In other words, if you make the axes wider [for example by enlarging the figure window], the X labels may change orientation from vertical to horizontal.
You can control the labes orientation programmatically as follows (undocumented):
h = heatmap(...);
s = struct(h);
s.XAxis.TickLabelRotation = 90; % vertical
s.XAxis.TickLabelRotation = 60; % angled
s.XAxis.TickLabelRotation = 0; % horizontal
Yair Altman
1 Kommentar
am 29 Jun. 2020
That's the ticket with struct! I was unaware of being able to do that.
Same thing in the end a little more directly; problem now is OP says has no effect on her plot.
But so far she hasn't provided full working example that illustrates the problem on her system to verify here.
am 26 Jun. 2020
Oh, TMW has done it again -- they've buried stuff inside opaque (to the user) objects that should be visible. I wish they would quit doing this... :(
If you don't have it, go to FEX and download Yair Altman's utility for finding hidden objects...it's the only tool readily available for such.
From it
>> hHM=heatmap(xx,hh,ss)
hHM =
HeatmapChart with properties:
XData: {48×1 cell}
YData: {100×1 cell}
ColorData: [100×48 double]
Show all properties
>> undocumented(hHM)
ans =
struct with fields:
ApplicationData: [1×1 struct]
Axes: '???'
DefaultPropMap_Internal: [0×0 struct]
Description: 'HeatmapChart'
DescriptionMode: 'manual'
Description_I: 'HeatmapChart'
MissingDataValue: '???'
NodeChildren: [3×1 Graphics]
NodeParent: [1×1 ScribeLayer]
NotUsingTableForData: '???'
Ah!! That looks interesting--let's see what we can tell about it...
>> hHM.NodeChildren
ans =
3×1 graphics array:
And we were able to find an axes object.
>> hAx=hHM.NodeChildren(3)
hAX =
Axes with properties:
XLim: [17 16.5]
YLim: [0 1]
XScale: 'linear'
YScale: 'linear'
GridLineStyle: '-'
Position: [0.1300 0.1100 0.7179 0.8150]
Units: 'normalized'
Under it we can find and set the tick label properties including rotation...
IMO, there's absolutely no excuse for TMW having done such stuff.
12 Kommentare
am 29 Jun. 2020
Just make a sample test case, then.
It shouldn't matter what the data are -- if you can't reproduce the above figure, then it would begin to appear you have uncovered a bug or have a system-related issue regarding the renderer and/or video driver...altho that would seem highly unlikely the cause of this symptom.
Attach a working sample script that has a problem there and I'll see if it reproduces issue here...
am 29 Jun. 2020
Or, my address is at contact site to send privately...
But, also, you never responded to the other Q? of what various whos or other queries at command line show on your system...
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