How to shuffle fileDatastore

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Haoqing Li
Haoqing Li am 18 Jun. 2020
Kommentiert: dpb am 14 Jul. 2020
I tried to shuffle fileDatastore, but failed.
Any method how to do it?

Antworten (1)

Ayush Laddha
Ayush Laddha am 19 Jun. 2020
I understand that you wish to shuffle the fileDatastore. You can utilize the shuffle function to do so. You can use it as given below –
fs = fileDatastore(path, 'ReadFcn', @load)
shuffled_fs = shuffle(fs)
Link to its documentation –
  4 Kommentare
Haoqing Li
Haoqing Li am 1 Jul. 2020
I'm using 2020a.
dpb am 14 Jul. 2020
I get same error on R2019b as does Haoqing LI (another poster just asked same Q? and this thread showed up in the automated links system so came to investigate).
Dunno' what is different w/ the release Ayush Laddha used, but
>> ds=fileDatastore('3*.xlsx','ReadFcn',@readtable)
ds =
FileDatastore with properties:
Files: {
UniformRead: 0
ReadMode: 'file'
BlockSize: Inf
PreviewFcn: @readtable
ReadFcn: @readtable
AlternateFileSystemRoots: {}
>> ds=shuffle(ds)
Undefined function 'shuffle' for input arguments of type ''.

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