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Interpolate from data in which the same value of x is used more than one time

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Hi, i want to interpolate a 'function' from data in which the same value of x is used more than one time, how can i do it?
Under i share the data and the result i get from using the command interp1(x,y,xi,'spline'). Thanks in advance!
10668.0000 229.50313
10576.7338 233.09778
10304.4967 240.70730
9855.9469 248.61069
9238.7590 255.29718
8463.4934 260.29921
7543.4151 263.57094
6494.2669 265.25902
5334.0000 265.60001
4082.4669 264.86179
2761.0816 263.30856
1392.4534 261.18098
0.0000 258.68667

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