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How can I locate dicom images?

3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Tomislav am 13 Nov. 2012
So now I have:
[filename, pathname] = uigetfile();
set(handles.edit5, 'String', pathname);
img = zeros(165,127,168,'uint8');
for ii = 1:168;
img(:,:,ii) = dicomread([pathname '\' num2str(ii,'%04i') '.dcm']);
And it only works if there are exactly 168 images (165x127 pixels) in the folder and if they are numbered as: 0001, 0002, 0003, and so on. And it stores it as a 3D matrix name img.
How can I make code that it works with any number of dicom images of any size and any name and that it stores them as now, in 3D matrix called img.

Akzeptierte Antwort

Jan am 13 Nov. 2012
Bearbeitet: Jan am 13 Nov. 2012
[filename, pathname] = uigetfile();
if ~ischar(filename)
set(handles.edit5, 'String', pathname);
fileList = dir(fullfile(pathname, '*.dcm'));
fileList = fileList(not([fileList.isdir]));
nFile = numel(fileList);
imgC = cell(1, nFile);
for ii = 1:nFile;
imgC{ii} = dicomread(fullfile(pathname, fileList(ii).name));
Of course you can store pictures in a 3D-array only, if they all have the same size. If this is true:
imgSize = size(imgC{1});
if all(cellfun('size', imgC, 1) == imgSize(1)) && ...
all(cellfun('size', imgC, 2) == imgSize(2))
img = cat(3, imgC{:});
error('Pictures have different sizes.');

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