Compound Interest with monthly Contributions, Unable to vectorize.

3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Hello, I would like help with vectorizing this code so that I can plot the answer. I have been able to get individual answers for each month, however, I cannot write this function in terms of months, so thats why I can not get my answer into a vector. Here's what I have so far.
for month=[0:18*12]
It is monthly interest of .5% for 18 years with 100 every month and an initial $1000. I want to be able to plot(months,New_balance), including the 0th month of $1000. Thank You.

Akzeptierte Antwort

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov am 13 Nov. 2012
n = 18*12+1;
for j1=2:n
n = 18*12;
New_balance = filter(1,[1 -1.005],[1000;ones(n,1)*100]);
  2 Kommentare
Billy am 13 Nov. 2012
Bearbeitet: Billy am 13 Nov. 2012
You have the part of the answer that I want, but my directions tell me after the loop, I should be able to show the final amount at the end of 18 years. Your answer fits what I described, but I just noticed this detail. Do you know how I would be able to extract the final value by placing something in or after the for loop? Is there a way to define the final value as a variable? Thanks.
Oleg Komarov
Oleg Komarov am 13 Nov. 2012
@Billy: invest some time into the getting started guide (the chapter on matrix manipulations).

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Weitere Antworten (3)

C.J. Harris
C.J. Harris am 13 Nov. 2012
You don't even need to vectorise, just calculate the answer directly. The answer below is slightly lower than your answer. But in your calculation you appear to accrue interest in month zero (time of deposit).
P = 100;
i = 0.005;
A = 1000;
n = 18*12;
FV1 = ( (1 + i)^ n ) * A;
FV2 = P * ( ( (1 + i)^n - 1) / i );
FV = FV1 + FV2;
  1 Kommentar
Billy am 13 Nov. 2012
I should have mentioned, that I need to use a for loop for this problem and so I cannot just find the answer at the end of 18 years. I have to have a matrix of 216 values so that I will be able to plot.

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Alex am 13 Nov. 2012
You could try a 1-pole IIR filter.

Oleg Komarov
Oleg Komarov am 13 Nov. 2012
n = 18*12; % number of periods
i = 0.005; % per period interest
I = 1000; % initial investment
CF = 100; % recurrent cash flow
s = (1 + i).^(0:n); % compounding factor
capital = I*s + [0 cumsum(CF*s(1:end-1))];


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