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Needed to Modify plot

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
satish kumar
satish kumar am 11 Mai 2020
Geschlossen: MATLAB Answer Bot am 20 Aug. 2021
Het guys, i am attaching a code(mypr2.m) where i got good plots but i need to get plot like screenshot(26).png. I need some help to do this. Thanking you in advance.
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satish kumar
satish kumar am 11 Mai 2020
To be more clear regarding the question,i need both theta and earth view factor vary in y-axis and x-axis should contain values of psi.
Tommy am 11 Mai 2020
You can add arrows to mark the theta values by using annotations. See the first example here.
You could also opt for a different method of displaying the theta values, such as with color:
cmap = jet(numel(thetaV));
figure(2); hold on;
for i = 1:numel(thetaV)
plot(psi*180/pi, Fe1(i,:), 'Color', cmap(i,:));
xlabel('Attitude angle \psi (deg)'), ylabel('Earth view factor')
colormap(jet); cb = colorbar('Ticks', thetaV); cb.Label.String = 'Attitude angle \theta (deg)';
caxis([min(thetaV) max(thetaV)]);

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