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sawtooth signal and moving averege filter

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Rica am 30 Okt. 2012
Hi all!
I have a signal, noisy sawtooth signal. see (m-file).
I want to smooth and averege this signal with moving averege filter (maybe also kalman filter).
I did it in may program. But i have a problem: In the time where the step happens, i need no values i need just the step (from max to min).
How it could be done in matlab
% code
t=(1:0.01:10)'; y=sawtooth(t,1); noise = 0.8*rand(901,1); y1 = y+noise; % kal=kalmanf(y1*z) ma=conv(y1,ones(5,1)/5);
plot(y1) hold on stem(ma,'r')

Antworten (1)

Sachin Ganjare
Sachin Ganjare am 30 Okt. 2012

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