How to extract a digit from an image?

5 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Shoval  Matzner
Shoval Matzner am 2 Mai 2020
Hey there,
i have this not so much working code that i wrote on how to extract the 2 numbers that appear on the image into 2 diffrent images containing only 1 digit each, the code i wrote is very inconsistent and not always working, if thers someone who can maybe send me their code or help me improve mine would be wonderfull.. thanks!!
Speed = rgb2grey(speed2);
binSpeed = im2bw(Speed, 0.4); %%making the pic a binary image
%% identifying digit number 1
it = 0;
sz = size(Speed, 2);
for k=2:sz-1
if (sum(binSpeed(:,k) == 0) > 0) && (sum(binSpeed(:,k-1) == 0) == 0) %% checking the index value of the start of the digit
dig = k+1; %% in case the if was true, assembeling the index to dig
if (sum(binSpeed(:,k) == 0) > 5) && (sum(binSpeed(:,k+1) == 0) < 7) %% checking the index value of the end of the digit
it = k+1; %% in case the if was true, assembeling the index to it
if (it ~= 0) %% stopping the for loop so that the indexes of the digits wont change
digit1 = binSpeed( :, (dig:it));
%% identifying digit number 2
it2 = 0;
for g=it+1:sz-1
if (sum(binSpeed(:,g) == 0) > 0) && (sum(binSpeed(:,g-1) == 0) == 0) %% checking the index value of the start of the digit
dig2 = g; %% in case the if was true, assembeling the index to dig
if (sum(binSpeed(:,g) == 0) > 5) && (sum(binSpeed(:,g+1) == 0) < 7) %% checking the index value of the end of the digit
it2 = g; %% in case the if was true, assembeling the index to it
if (it2 ~= 0) %% stopping the for loop so that the indexes of the digits wont change
digit2 = binSpeed( :, (dig2:it2));
%% cutting the first digit
sz2 = size(digit1, 1);
for ik=2:sz2-1
if(sum(digit1(ik,:) == 0) > 0) && (sum(digit1(ik-1,:) == 0) == 0)
st = ik;
if(sum(digit1(ik,:) == 0) > 2) && (sum(digit1(ik+1,:) == 1) > 2)
nd = ik;
digit1 = digit1((st:nd), :);
%% cutting the second digit
sz3 = size(digit2, 1);
for s=2:sz3-1
if(sum(digit2(s,:) == 0) > 0) && (sum(digit2(s-1,:) == 0) == 0)
st2 = s;
if(sum(digit2(s,:) == 0) > 5) && (sum(digit2(s+1,:) == 1) > 10)
nd2 = s;
digit2 = digit2((st2:nd2), :);

Akzeptierte Antwort

Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 2 Mai 2020
Try using regionprops() to get each digits bounding box, then use imcrop to extract it into its own image:
clc; % Clear the command window.
close all; % Close all figures (except those of imtool.)
clear; % Erase all existing variables. Or clearvars if you want.
workspace; % Make sure the workspace panel is showing.
format long g;
format compact;
fontSize = 22;
folder = pwd;
baseFileName = 'Speed2.jpg';
% Get the full filename, with path prepended.
fullFileName = fullfile(folder, baseFileName);
% Check if file exists.
if ~exist(fullFileName, 'file')
% The file doesn't exist -- didn't find it there in that folder.
% Check the entire search path (other folders) for the file by stripping off the folder.
fullFileNameOnSearchPath = baseFileName; % No path this time.
if ~exist(fullFileNameOnSearchPath, 'file')
% Still didn't find it. Alert user.
errorMessage = sprintf('Error: %s does not exist in the search path folders.', fullFileName);
% Get the dimensions of the image.
% numberOfColorChannels should be = 1 for a gray scale image, and 3 for an RGB color image.
[rows, columns, numberOfColorChannels] = size(grayImage);
if numberOfColorChannels > 1
% It's not really gray scale like we expected - it's color.
% Use weighted sum of ALL channels to create a gray scale image.
grayImage = rgb2gray(grayImage);
% ALTERNATE METHOD: Convert it to gray scale by taking only the green channel,
% which in a typical snapshot will be the least noisy channel.
% grayImage = grayImage(:, :, 2); % Take green channel.
% Display the image.
hFig = figure;
subplot(2, 2, 1);
imshow(grayImage, []);
title('Original Grayscale Image', 'FontSize', fontSize, 'Interpreter', 'None');
hFig.WindowState = 'maximized'; % May not work in earlier versions of MATLAB.
% Binarize the image
binaryImage = ~imbinarize(grayImage);
% Take the largest 2 blobs only.
binaryImage = bwareafilt(binaryImage, 2);
% Display the segmented image.
subplot(2, 2, 2);
imshow(binaryImage, []);
title('Binary Image', 'FontSize', fontSize, 'Interpreter', 'None');
axis('on', 'image');
props = regionprops(binaryImage, 'BoundingBox');
% Display them
for k = 1 : length(props)
thisBB = props(k).BoundingBox;
croppedImage{k} = imcrop(binaryImage, thisBB);
subplot(2, 2, k+2);
caption = sprintf('Digit #%d', k);
title(caption, 'FontSize', fontSize, 'Interpreter', 'None');
  5 Kommentare
Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 2 Mai 2020
Of course. Just cut out any lines like the second group of 4 lines you posted in your above comment. You know what subplot(), imshow(), sprintf(), and title() do, don't you? If you don't want them then don't call them. If that solves your question, could you "Accept this answer"? Thanks in advance.
Shoval  Matzner
Shoval Matzner am 2 Mai 2020
yes, thank you so much for your help!! you da real mvp

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