Calculating mean angles of edge detection

5 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Anna Marshall
Anna Marshall am 19 Apr. 2020
Kommentiert: Anna Marshall am 30 Apr. 2020
I'm a new user of Matlab and am looking to calculate the mean and median angles of an image after performing an edge detection. I am using the following edge detection script adapted from the MathWorks edge detection example code and am looking to take it a step further in order to calculate the mean and median angles of the edge detection for each image I input. I eventually am looking to change the code from a specific image to a moving window. Additionally, I'm curious whether it is possible to calculate the number of horizontal, vertical, and diagonal edges from the edge detection output?
Thank you!
RGB=imread('DJI_0022.jpg'); %inputs image
I=rgb2gray(RGB); %convers to grayscale
%two different types of edge detection
BW1 = edge(I,'Canny');
BW2 = edge(I,'Prewitt');
BWv = imopen(BW1,[1 1 1]');
BWh = imopen(BW1,[1 1 1]);
%top left to lower right
BWd = imopen(BW1,[1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1]);
%plot results
  3 Kommentare
darova am 20 Apr. 2020
  • I'm curious whether it is possible to calculate the number of horizontal, vertical, and diagonal edges from the edge detection output?
Yes. THe answer is yes. Use bwlabel
[L,n] = bwlabel(BWh,4); % '4' is connection
Little explanation:
I'd use 4 connected object for horizontal and vertical lines. And 8 connected object for diagonals
See more here: bwlabel
Anna Marshall
Anna Marshall am 21 Apr. 2020
Thanks so much! I tried it out and bwlabel works great. Any ideas on how to calculate mean angles for each direction (horizontal, vertical, and diagonal)?

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Akzeptierte Antwort

darova am 21 Apr. 2020
Try regionprops with orientation property
BWd1 = 1.0*BWd;
data = regionprops(BWd,'orientation','pixelidxlist'); % get orientation and pixels list of each region
for i = 1:numel(data)
idx = data(i).PixelIdxList; % pixel indices of current region
ori = data(i).Orientation; % orintation of region
BWd1(idx) = ori; % assign angle value
  15 Kommentare
darova am 30 Apr. 2020
Try wrapTo360
Anna Marshall
Anna Marshall am 30 Apr. 2020
Thanks! I'll give that a try

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Weitere Antworten (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 21 Apr. 2020
If you have the Computer Vision Toolbox, try extractHOGFeatures() to get the histogram of oriented gradients.
  1 Kommentar
Anna Marshall
Anna Marshall am 21 Apr. 2020
The extractHOGFeatures() tool is neat just from working throught the examples. Is there a way to clip the tool to a specific area of the image or train it so that it is only extratcting the HOG features for the area of interest. For example, in the image attached, I am interested in looking at the logs but not the vegetation and trees. Thank you!

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