Read and Display Selected Image from a Folder Based on Dimension
1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
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Fahmi Akmal Dzulkifli
am 16 Apr. 2020
Kommentiert: Ameer Hamza
am 21 Apr. 2020
I have a folder that contains 16 images. From these images, 9 of them have a dimension of 1280x1024, and the rest of them have different dimensions. How can I read and display these 9 images only?
folder = 'C:\Users\Documents\PhD\Analysis\Hot-Spot\';
jpeg_files = dir(fullfile(folder,'*.jpg'));
nfiles2 = length(jpeg_files);
for k = 1:nfiles2
currentimage{k} = imread(fullfile(folder,jpeg_files(k).name));
figure; imshow(currentimage{k}); % creates a new window for each image
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Akzeptierte Antwort
Ameer Hamza
am 16 Apr. 2020
Bearbeitet: Ameer Hamza
am 16 Apr. 2020
Try this
folder = 'C:\Users\Documents\PhD\Analysis\Hot-Spot\';
jpeg_files = dir(fullfile(folder,'*.jpg'));
img_info = cellfun(@(x) {imfinfo(x)}, fullfile({jpeg_files.folder}, {}));
img_dim = cellfun(@(x) {[x.Width x.Height]}, img_info)';
img_dim = cell2mat(img_dim);
idx = all(img_dim == [1280 1024], 2);
jpeg_files(~idx) = [];
nfiles2 = length(jpeg_files);
for k = 1:nfiles2
currentimage{k} = imread(fullfile(folder,jpeg_files(k).name));
figure; imshow(currentimage{k}); % creates a new window for each image
9 Kommentare
Ameer Hamza
am 21 Apr. 2020
Can you start a new question and describe the problem in more detail. Paste the link here so that I will get a notification.
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