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Any advice on using matlab coder efficiently?

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Michal Szkup
Michal Szkup am 6 Apr. 2020
Bearbeitet: Michal Szkup am 7 Apr. 2020
I am trying to learn how to use matlab coder to generate mex functions in order to speed up my codes.
I read the documentation (at least parts of it and watched tutorials) so I feel I have a basic understand how the matlab coder works, but my first experience has not been encouraging (the mex code was slower than function despite a massive for-loop that I compute withing the functions). So I wonder if there is a way to write m-files that are to be translated to mex files in order to improve efficiency of mex functions? More specifically, here are my questions.
  1. Are there any don'ts for preparing m-files (in terms of coding style) that are to be converted to mex-files? For example, I read that logical indexing is slow in mex files.
  2. Is it OK passing structures to the function that is to be converted to a mex file. I have many parameters that I would like to pass and having passed them in a structure makes the code much cleaner.
  3. In m-file having a+B where a is a scalar and B is a matrix is fast. Is the same true for mex files or should I transform a into a constant matrix?
Any other advise would be much appreciated.

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