change centre of revolution

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
AYUSH SINGHAL am 16 Mär. 2020
Beantwortet: Payas Bahade am 18 Mär. 2020
This is the surface i got when i rotated my 2D curve about origin.
But i want to ratate it about a specific point (7.5) on x axis.
i have attached the code, please help.
u0(1,1,1) = 2256.250;
u0(2,1,1) = 2256.250;
u0(3,1,1) = 2256.250;
u0(4,1,1) = 2256.250;
u0(5,1,1) = 2256.250; %1
u0(6,1,1) = 2256.250;
u0(7,1,1) = 2256.250;
u0(8,1,1) = 2256.250;
u0(9,1,1) = 2256.250;
u0(10,1,1) = 2256.250; %2
u0(11,1,1) = 2256.250;
u0(12,1,1) = 2256.250;
u0(13,1,1) = 2256.250;
u0(14,1,1) = 2256.250;
u0(15,1,1) = 2256.250; %3
u0(16,1,1) = 2256.250;
u0(17,1,1) = 2256.250;
u0(18,1,1) = 2256.250;
u0(19,1,1) = 2256.250;
u0(20,1,1) = 2256.250; %4
u0(21,1,1) = 2256.250;
u0(22,1,1) = 2256.250;
u0(23,1,1) = 2256.250;
u0(24,1,1) = 2256.250;
u0(25,1,1) = 2256.250; %5
u0(26,1,1) = 2256.25;
u0(27,1,1) = 2256.25;
u0(28,1,1) = 2256.2502;
u0(29,1,1) = 2256.2505;
u0(30,1,1) = 2256.251; %6
u0(31,1,1) = 2256.252;
u0(32,1,1) = 2256.253;
u0(33,1,1) = 2256.2528;
u0(34,1,1) = 2256.2522;
u0(35,1,1) = 2256.2525; %7
u0(36,1,1) = 2256.2530;
u0(37,1,1) = 2256.2540;
u0(38,1,1) = 2256.2540;
u0(39,1,1) = 2256.2538;
u0(40,1,1) = 2256.2530; %8
u0(41,1,1) = 2256.2521;
u0(42,1,1) = 2256.2530;
u0(43,1,1) = 2256.2531;
u0(44,1,1) = 2256.2530;
u0(45,1,1) = 2256.2512; %9
u0(46,1,1) = 2256.2501;
u0(47,1,1) = 2256.25;
u0(48,1,1) = 2256.25;
u0(49,1,1) = 2256.25;
u0(50,1,1) = 2256.25; %10
u0(51,1,1) = 2256.25;
u0(52,1,1) = 2256.25;
u0(53,1,1) = 2256.25;
u0(54,1,1) = 2256.25;
u0(55,1,1) = 2256.25; %11
u0(56,1,1) = 2256.25;
u0(57,1,1) = 2256.25;
u0(58,1,1) = 2256.25;
u0(59,1,1) = 2256.25;
u0(60,1,1) = 2256.25; %12
u0(61,1,1) = 2256.25;
u0(62,1,1) = 2256.25;
u0(63,1,1) = 2256.25;
u0(64,1,1) = 2256.25;
u0(65,1,1) = 2256.25; %13
u0(66,1,1) = 2256.25;
u0(67,1,1) = 2256.25;
u0(68,1,1) = 2256.25;
u0(69,1,1) = 2256.25;
u0(70,1,1) = 2256.25; %14
u0(71,1,1) = 2256.25;
u0(72,1,1) = 2256.25;
u0(73,1,1) = 2256.25;
u0(74,1,1) = 2256.25;
u0(75,1,1) = 2256.25; %15
N = 75;
x = [0:0.2:14.8]';
y = [0:0.2:14.8]';
z = u0';
hold on
revolves = 100;
theta = linspace(0,2*pi,revolves);
xx = zeros(revolves,N);
yy = xx;
zz = xx;
for idx = 1:length(theta);
xrot = cos(theta(idx))*x + sin(theta(idx))*y;
yrot = -sin(theta(idx))*x + cos(theta(idx))*y;
grid on

Antworten (1)

Payas Bahade
Payas Bahade am 18 Mär. 2020
Hi Ayush,
To change x-coordinate of center of revolution to 7.5, add 7.5 to the xrot equation. The new equation becomes:
xrot = 7.5+cos(theta(idx))*x + sin(theta(idx))*y;
Replace current xrot equation in for loop with above one to get required results.
Hope this helps!


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