How to impose that the solution takes zeros values in some elements using fmincon?

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Hello !
My initial value is of size n and my objective function is :
objective=@(f) 0
Let us assume that :
I would like to impose that the solution f takes m non null values and the rest are 0.
I tried out the following non-linear constraint :
But I get the following message :
Converged to an infeasible point.
fmincon stopped because the size of the current step is less than
the default value of the step size tolerance but constraints are not
satisfied to within the default value of the constraint tolerance.
<stopping criteria details>
  5 Kommentare
wiem abd
wiem abd am 2 Mär. 2020
Bearbeitet: wiem abd am 2 Mär. 2020
The unknowns are real values f. Please see below my non-linear constraints
S = 1.0e+10 *[ 0.0155
function [c,ceq] = mycon_Taylor(f,S,n,m,BW,epsilon,C)
%UNTITLED5 Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
% Compute nonlinear inequalities at x.
c=[sum(f)- BW;
wiem abd
wiem abd am 4 Mär. 2020
Actually the third constraint contains an other part
where b is known and the size of b is n.
That's why I am imposing that m of n elements of f are 0.
Indeed, the problem is substract m elements of b

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Matt J
Matt J am 2 Mär. 2020
It looks like you simply need f(1:m) >=0 in order for the log expressions to work. Why not just put lower bounds on them lb(1:m)=0?
  7 Kommentare
Matt J
Matt J am 5 Mär. 2020
Bearbeitet: Matt J am 5 Mär. 2020
Here are the constraints as you originally showed them to us.
c=[sum(f)- BW;
There is no way the second constraint can be satisfied if any of the first m values of f(i) are zero, because then you will have a division by 0. This then implies, by the 4th constraint, that all f(i) must be zero for i>m.

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Weitere Antworten (1)

John D'Errico
John D'Errico am 5 Mär. 2020
Bearbeitet: John D'Errico am 5 Mär. 2020
To me, it means the constraints written don't correctly encapsulate the stated goals. One of those stated goals is there must be a set of exactly m non-zero elements, but they lie in some unknown order, and fmincon is being asked to find those non-zero placements, as well as the value of the non-zeros too.
But if that is true, then fmincon cannot be used to find that result, since this makes the objective function a seemingly non-differentiable one. As well the constraint
is non-differentiable, but worse, is a discontinuous function of the parameter space. That is a serious problem for FMINCON.
Another tool (probably GA from the global optimization toolbox, but NOT FMINCON) is needed for this problem.
I would strongly suggest the problem should really be written in a different form, perhaps something like this:
There are 2*m unknowns. The first m of them are the values of the unknown elements, the non-zeros, written in sequence from the first to the last non-zero.
Unknowns m+1:2*m are distinct integers, from the set [1:n]. They must be distinct, and increasing in order. These are easy constraints to apply, in fact, they can be written as linear constraints, since we need only
f(I) <= f(i+1) + 1
for all i >= m+1 and i <= 2*m-1. Then, with bounds on those elements forcing them to lie in the interval [1,n] and with integer constraints forcing elements (m+1:2*m) to be integer, we will get the necessary set of integer indices.
Again, GA should have no problem in solving the indicated class of problem.
Given the set of 2*m unknowns and those constraints, now your objective function becomes simple. Construct the full vector of length n as
fvals = f(1:m);
flocs = f(m+1:2*m)
fn = zeros(1,n);
fn(flocs) = fvals;
Finally, you can now evaluate the objective function as a function of the vector fn. As you can see, it has exctly n elements, at the locations indicated.
You no longer need a constraint of the form
because that is trivially and implicitly true. We enforce that constraint by the way we have constructed the problem. The other constraints, for example, sum(f) - BW, now becomes sum(fvals) - BW.
And, again you will need to impose the appropriate bound and inequality constraints on the integer elements of f.
All of this is now admissable as a problem statement, but ONLY if you use GA.
Do you see that what is needed is to look at the problem in the correct way? It is NOT that you need to find a vector of length n. What you need to find are m values, AND a set of m integer indices. Given those two sets of numbers (with the constraints as I have indicated) they completely define the vector of length n that you claim to need.


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