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Adding matrices, resulting matrix is only a copy of one of the matrices being added

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Emma am 14 Okt. 2012
Geschlossen: MATLAB Answer Bot am 20 Aug. 2021
I am attempting to add three matrices although when I do so, the resulting matrix is the same as one of the matrices being added rather than a combination of the three.
For example, if I am trying to add matrices A, B and C, when I add them, the contents of the resulting matrix are the same as A alone.
What is a possible explanation for this?

Antworten (2)

Wayne King
Wayne King am 14 Okt. 2012
Bearbeitet: Wayne King am 14 Okt. 2012
Are these large matrices? Can you show us? Of course it is possible that
A = A+B+C
but that means that B+C must necessarily be the additive identity (matrix of zeros)
For example:
A = randi([-5 5],10,10);
B = randi([-3 3],10,10);
C = -B;
  1 Kommentar
Emma am 14 Okt. 2012
Each matrix is a 2400x2400 double, comprised of 0s and positive decimals which should add easily. I have also checked the contents of each matrix and they appear to be unique, so A+B+C should be different from any of the individual matrices.

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 14 Okt. 2012
This could happen if the values in B and C were much smaller than the values in A. For example, [1] + [1e-30] + [1e-50] is going to be [1]

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