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How to pull a range of values out of an array using a loop

4 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Tsansoterra am 18 Feb. 2020
Beantwortet: Stephen23 am 18 Feb. 2020
I am trying to use a loop to check the values stored in the array "tau". If the value is less than 1e8 I would like to store it in a new array called "acceptable" else the value should go into an array called "unacceptable" (for plotting purposes). I am trying to understand when things are being itterated in MATLAB. Since the variables J and tau were not iterated using a loop this is quite confusing coming from java since everything has to be iterated using loops in that lang. I do not know how to use the loop to check and pull values from "tau". Any help is greatly appreciated.
clc; clear ; clear all
F = 10; %Newtons
T = F*0.1 ; %Work
r = .001: 1e-4: .005; %mm
i = 0; %iterator
%acceptable = 1 %array to be made using values > 1e8
%unacceptable = 1 %array to be made using values < 1e8
J = (.5*pi)*r.^4 ; %Polar moment of inertia
tau = ((T*r)./J); %Torsional Sheer Stress
while i < 5
if tau < 1e8
acceptable = tau
unacceptable = tau
i = i + 1 ;
x1 = 0
x2 = .005
y = 1e8
hold on

Antworten (2)

KSSV am 18 Feb. 2020
Simply use:
idx = tau < 1e8 ;
In idx, 1 is acceptable and 0 is unacceptable. Read baout logical indexing. You need not run a loop in MATLAB.

Stephen23 am 18 Feb. 2020
MATLAB is not Java. Using a loop would be entirely the wrong approach in MATLAB.
>> idx = tau < 1e8;
>> acceptable = tau(idx);
>> unacceptable = tau(~idx);


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