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S function debugging with Visual Studio 2005

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Aditya am 11 Okt. 2012
I have developed a S function of my auto-code. When I am simulating my S function the Matlab is getting crashed. So i want to analyse where I am getting the exact error in my c code.
Hence I want to debug my c code using Visual Studio 2005. Can anyone suggest me how to integrate Visual studio with Matlab such that I can put a break point in my Visual Studio and when i simulate my s function it should hault at that particular line of code where i have introduced a break point.

Akzeptierte Antwort

Sachin Ganjare
Sachin Ganjare am 11 Okt. 2012
  1 Kommentar
Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind am 11 Okt. 2012
There is also a similar section called Debugging C-MEX S-functions, but it's essentially the same technique.

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