face connected skeleton 3d

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
mat001 .
mat001 . am 9 Okt. 2012
Beantwortet: Naga am 16 Sep. 2024
How to convert 3d edge connected skeleton into face connected skeleton.

Antworten (1)

Naga am 16 Sep. 2024
To convert a 3D edge-connected skeleton into a face-connected skeleton, you can use morphological operations to enforce 6-connectivity. Here's the implementation of the same:
% Sample 3D skeleton (binary volume)
skeleton = rand(10, 10, 10) > 0.8; % Random binary 3D matrix
% Create a new binary volume for the face-connected skeleton
faceConnectedSkeleton = false(size(skeleton));
% Label connected components using 26-connectivity
cc = bwconncomp(skeleton, 26);
% Iterate over each connected component
for i = 1:cc.NumObjects
% Extract the current component
component = false(size(skeleton));
component(cc.PixelIdxList{i}) = true;
% Ensure face connectivity by dilating and eroding
faceConnected = imerode(imdilate(component, strel('cube', 3)), strel('cube', 3));
% Add the face-connected component to the new skeleton
faceConnectedSkeleton = faceConnectedSkeleton | faceConnected;
% Visualize the results
subplot(1, 2, 1);
title('Original Edge-Connected Skeleton');
axis equal; view(3);
subplot(1, 2, 2);
title('Face-Connected Skeleton');
axis equal; view(3);
  1. The 'skeleton' variable is a binary 3D matrix representing the initial edge-connected skeleton.
  2. 'bwconncomp' is used to label connected components in the skeleton using 26-connectivity.
  3. 'imdilate' and 'imerode' are used with a 3x3x3 structuring element to enforce face connectivity. This ensures that each voxel is connected to its 6 face neighbors.
  4. 'isosurface' is used to visualize the original and face-connected skeletons.
Refer to the following documentation links to read more about the respective functions:
This implementation provides a basic approach to converting an edge-connected skeleton to a face-connected one.

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