How to combine all CT files to make a single array/matrix?

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
blues am 31 Jan. 2020
Beantwortet: Sean de Wolski am 31 Jan. 2020
%load and read CT images
% Preallocate the 512-by-512-by-1-by-263 image array
CT = zeros(512, 512, 263);
for p = 1:263
CTfilename = sprintf('CT-0003-%03d.IMA', p);
CT = dicomread(CTfilename);
% Now I want to make a 3D array of all series
3DArray = cat(3, CT{:}); % how to write a code here so that I can get a 3D array with X*Y*Z dims?
  2 Kommentare
Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes am 31 Jan. 2020
blues - your comment says
% Preallocate the 512-by-512-by-1-by-263 image array
but your code to pre-allocate the array removes the 1 and creates a 512x512x263 matrix. Which is correct? Or should your code to save the images be
CT = zeros(512, 512, 263);
for p = 1:263
CTfilename = sprintf('CT-0003-%03d.IMA', p);
CT(:,:,p) = dicomread(CTfilename);
assuming that dicomread returns a 512x512 matrix?
blues am 31 Jan. 2020
Thank you for pointing that out.
CT without CT(:,:,p) returned 512*512.
Now, with CT(:,:,p), I will not need concatenate (cat) thing, right?

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Antworten (1)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski am 31 Jan. 2020
Look at dicomreadVolume!


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