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How to plot a point in 3D data displayed in volume Viewer?

21 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
M W am 27 Jan. 2020
Kommentiert: Rik am 25 Apr. 2023
I have a 3D medical image.
I want to mark a certain point in that image and display the 3D image with volumeViewer.
The point has x,y,z coordinates.
How can I plot this point into the 3D image and display both in volume Viewer?
  4 Kommentare
Dunja Gorup
Dunja Gorup am 24 Apr. 2023
XYZCoordinates_Array was positive integers array (:,:,:).
I(XYZ)=true; %does not preform as expected for e.g. XYZ=[10,13,9;12,11,8;1,2,3;3,4,5;1,7,5];
I(XYZ(1,:))=true % does not produce the same result as I(10,13,9)=true;
The solution was achieves by sub2index as below.
Rik am 25 Apr. 2023
The reason why this is the case, is that the indexing does not produce a comma separated list. You can produce such a list with a struct array and with a cell array:
XYZ(1,:) % normal array
ans = 1×3
10 13 9
tmp = num2cell(XYZ);
tmp{1,:} % comma separated list
ans = 10
ans = 13
ans = 9

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Selva Karna
Selva Karna am 28 Jan. 2020
To view 3d Volume:
clear all;
close all;
your volume=V;
3Point view:
% Make mask 3d based on your 3d points
len=length(your 3d points);
% Create Mask
3d_mask=zeros(your_3d points(size));
  4 Kommentare
Dunja Gorup
Dunja Gorup am 24 Apr. 2023
Following solution worked by subindexing:
ind = sub2ind(size(AL), XYZ(:,1), XYZ(:,2), XYZ(:,3));
AL(ind) = true;
Dunja Gorup
Dunja Gorup am 25 Apr. 2023
However, this mask is sometimes offset to the original image from which the voxel values were derived. Probably due to some transformation?

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