Measuring Intensity of Sound

7 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Alok Bendale
Alok Bendale am 20 Nov. 2019
Beantwortet: Abhishek Kumar am 4 Dez. 2020
Hello all,
I am working on sound intensity probelm. I have recorded data using 2 microphones as pressure. I need to know how can I calculate sound intensity of that signal. I am stuck on this problem since a month and couldnt find anything that will solve it. Attached files has data recorded from 600Hz sine sound wave with some noise.

Antworten (1)

Abhishek Kumar
Abhishek Kumar am 4 Dez. 2020
Hi Alok, as I understand you have recorded for 2 microphones in terms of pressure. The formula to convert pressure into intensity is
I = (P^2)/Z0;
Z0=Acoustic Impedance.
Thus you can use the following solution:
num = xlsread("DATA.xlsx");
P1 = num(:,2);
P2 = num(:,3);
Z = 400;
I1 = (P1.^2)/Z;
I2 = (P2.^2)/Z;


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