Converting a vector to multiple variables required as input for 'matlabFunction'.

13 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
I am converting symbolic function to a Matlab function using 'matlabFunction'.
For e.g.
syms x y
g = @(x,y)x+y-1.0
The returned matlab function 'g' accepts individual variables like g(1,1). However, I want to give inputs as a vector, like,
input = [1 1]
I get error 'Not enough input arguments.' I want to give input as a single vector because number of input in my actual function vary during run-time. Any idea how to convert a vector to multiple variable at run-time efficiently or any other solution.

Akzeptierte Antwort

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov am 24 Sep. 2012
input = {1 1}
  5 Kommentare
Leo Simon
Leo Simon am 6 Nov. 2012
Thanks Walter
I could do everything without anonymous functions, but would prefer not to because of another infuriating matlab property which is that I can't define a function within an m-file, have to do it within a function. Should I just give up on passing an anonymous function to fsolve? I'm willing to do it the hard way if there is a hard way!
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 6 Nov. 2012
I do not understand what you mean about can't define a function within an m-file ?
The code I show above involves passing anonymous functions to fsolve: it just uses a helper function which would be the same for all cases. The "g" that I reference in the expression call_on(g, x) is the anonymous function constructed via matlabFunction. The version that does not use this (invariant) helper function would need to use some nasty MATLAB behavior to fudge the temporary variable.

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Weitere Antworten (2)

Brad Carman
Brad Carman am 26 Jan. 2018
The matlab documentation fails to mention that it's possible to set this up with matlabFunciton() itself. I've discovered that how you input the 'Vars' argument adjusts how the function is built. Using a vector input of variables for 'Vars' will give you what you want. See the following example:
syms x y
z = x+y;
Without vector input:
matlabFunction(z, 'Vars', {x, y})
function_handle with value:
With vector input:
matlabFunction(z, 'Vars', {[x, y]})
function_handle with value:
  3 Kommentare
Ti Miller-Jackson
Ti Miller-Jackson am 21 Aug. 2019
Oh my gosh this works so well! You just saved me many hours. God bless you sir!
Graham Rowe
Graham Rowe am 7 Nov. 2020
This should be the accepted answer. So much more elegant than defining temporary variables that get created and then removed at run time.

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Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek am 24 Sep. 2012
Bearbeitet: Azzi Abdelmalek am 24 Sep. 2012
g = @(x,y)x+y-1.0
%g is a function of two inputs x and y, if you want one vector input
g=@(x) x(1)+x(2)-1.0
g([2 3])
  1 Kommentar
Taimoor Saif Talpur
Taimoor Saif Talpur am 24 Sep. 2012
Many thanks Azzi Abdelmalek for the fast reply. However, I am unable implement it. The 'matlabFunction' returns function of multiple variables at run-time and I cannot change input variables easily.

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