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Integrate y=x*sin(a*​x^4).*exp(​x^2./2)

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Mudeebe Edison
Mudeebe Edison am 13 Okt. 2019
How can I integrate this function it gives me the same integrate as the answer integrating from [1 to 5] y=x*sin(a*x^4).*exp(x^2./2)

Akzeptierte Antwort

Thiago Henrique Gomes Lobato
Bearbeitet: Thiago Henrique Gomes Lobato am 13 Okt. 2019
Matlab can't find the close integral form for all functions (some may even not have one). If you are interested only in the value of the definite integral, you can evaluate it both with the symbolic toolbox with a given precision or numerically by specifiying a value for a:
a = 2; % Specify a Value
% Symbolic
syms y x
ySymbolic = vpa(int(y,x,[1 5]),8)
% Numeric
f = @(t)t.*sin(a*t.^4).*exp(t.^2./2);
yNumeric = integral(f,1,5)
Difference = ySymbolic-yNumeric
yNumeric =
ySymbolic =
Difference =

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