How to integrate two images
1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
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I have two images. The first one is original RGB image and the second one is the Chromaticity image of original image. I want to know how to re-integrate the Chromaticity image onto the original image, so that the original image becomes shadow free.
The objective is to remove shadow from the aerial images. So far, I have an obtained the Chromaticity image (without shadow). How should i proceed to produce shadow-free iamge.
I = im2double(imread('C:\Users\DIVYA MEENA\Desktop\ele2.jpg'));
L1 = chromaticity(I); %find image chromaticity
subplot(121); imagesc(I); title('Original image');
subplot(122); imagesc(L1);
title('Chromaticity image');
function [rgb] = chromaticity(RGB)
R = RGB(:,:,1); % extract the red channel
G = RGB(:,:,2); % extract the green channel
B = RGB(:,:,3); % extract the blue channel
V = R+G+B; % calculate summation of the 3 channels
r = R./V; % calculate the red channel chromaticity
g = G./V; % calculate the green channel chromaticity
b = B./V; % calculate the blue channel chromaticity
rgb = cat(3,r,g,b); %calculate the overall chromaticity
2 Kommentare
am 12 Okt. 2019
am 12 Okt. 2019
I have read about adapthisteq(I) to enhance the sharpness for gray images to remove shadow. Can you share related reference which you have been followed?
Please wait for @Walter's or @Image Analyst's comments / Answer?
Antworten (1)
Rajani Mishra
am 16 Okt. 2019
There are multiple answers on MATLAB answers related to obtaining shadow free image. Please find them below:
Hope this helps!
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