finding the roots of a multivariable equation
12 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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how would i go about plotting the roots (y) of a multivariable equation:
ysin(2x) + sin(2yx) = 0
with x values of pi/2 to pi?
i'm looking for the smallest non-zero, non-negative root
this is what i have so far:
for z=(1:100)
eqn= @(y) y*sin(2*x(z)) + sin(2*y*x(z))
yRoots = fzero(eqn,0)
my yRoots is just an array of 0's in this case. for example, for x=pi/2 , the root i'm actually looking for is 1. how do i get matlab to ignore the 0 root and just give me the first positive root?
1 Kommentar
David Hill
am 1 Okt. 2019
You may want to try plotting first. You will need to change the search interval to find the root you want.
z=arrayfun(@(x) y*sin(2*x) + sin(2*y*x),pi/2:.01:pi,'UniformOutput',false);
plot(y,z{20});%choose whatever x value you want to look at, you could plot several of them using a loop
to find the root, select the interval you are interested in
eqn = @(y) y*sin(2*x) + sin(2*y*x);
yRoot = fzero(eqn,[.9 1.1]);% produces root of 1
yRoot = fzero(eqn,[1.9 2.1]);%produces root of 2
Akzeptierte Antwort
Matt J
am 1 Okt. 2019
Something like this, perhaps:
for z=(1:100)
eqn= @(y) sinc(2*x(z)) + sinc(2*y*x(z));
yRoots(z) = abs( fzero(eqn,1e-8) )
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