GPU optimization of looped vector operations
1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
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Lloyd Bumm
am 28 Aug. 2019
Kommentiert: Joss Knight
am 6 Sep. 2019
I think I am making a simple mistake. I am comparing a vectrorized integration using the GPU and the CPU. This code takes ~365 sec on the GPU (Nvidia quadro P5200 and 96 sec on the parallel CPU (6 workers, Xeon E-2176M, 2.7 GHz). The integral is a straight forward operation with vectors 90,000 long in this example that repeats 90,000 times in the loop. A test of an array multiplication of two 10,000x10,000 arrays of random numbers takes 0.65 s on my GPU and 10.8 s on my CPU. In the example below the GPU is slower for larger arrays. It seems as though the loop introduces a lot of overhead on the GPU operations.
What is the best strategy to optimize this problem for the GPU?
nubar_low = 2450;
nubar_high = 3350;
p_density = 100; %points per wavenumber
nu_bar = nubar_low:1/p_density:nubar_high;
K = zeros(size(nu_bar));
nub = nu_bar;
n_inf = 0;
nub = nu_bar;
k_max = 0.01; %max k
nub_0 = 2800; %nu bar center to absorption
gamma = 50; %width of the absortion
K = k_max * (gamma/2)^2 * ( ((nub-nub_0).^2 + (gamma/2)^2).^-1 - ((nub+nub_0).^2 + (gamma/2)^2).^-1);
% dK data is the derivative of K --> d(K)/d(nubar)
% Use value on either side of the point where possible
dK = zeros(size(K));
dK(2:end-1) = (K(3:end)-K(1:end-2))./(nu_bar(3:end)-nu_bar(1:end-2));
% Endpoints are special case.
dK(1) = (K(2)-K(1))./(nu_bar(2)-nu_bar(1));
dK(end) = (K(end)-K(end-1))./(nu_bar(end)-nu_bar(end-1));
dN_KK = zeros(1,len);
% The integral
canUseGPU = parallel.gpu.GPUDevice.isAvailable;
catch ME
canUseGPU = false;
%canUseGPU = false;
if canUseGPU
%integral using GPU
gnu_bar = gpuArray(nu_bar);
gK = gpuArray(K);
gdK = gpuArray(dK);
gdN_KK = gpuArray(dN_KK);
for i = 1:len
gdN_KK(i) = sum(gnu_bar([1:i-1, i+1:end]) .* gK([1:i-1, i+1:end]) ./ (gnu_bar([1:i-1, i+1:end]).^2 - gnu_bar(i).^2));
gdN_KK(i) = 2*gdN_KK(i) + gK(i)./(2*gnu_bar(i)) + gdK(i);
dN_KK =gather(gdN_KK);
%integral using GPU
parfor i = 1:len
dN_KK(i) = sum(nu_bar([1:i-1, i+1:end]) .* K([1:i-1, i+1:end]) ./ (nu_bar([1:i-1, i+1:end]).^2 - nu_bar(i).^2));
dN_KK(i) = 2*dN_KK(i) + K(i)./(2*nu_bar(i)) + dK(i);
% Scales data
dN_KK = (1/(pi*p_density))*dN_KK;
% Adds constant for N infinity
N_KK = dN_KK + n_inf;
4 Kommentare
Joss Knight
am 29 Aug. 2019
Lloyd, have you tried running your computation in single precision? Your Quadro P5200 has respectable single precision performance of about 8 or 9 teraflops, but like most graphics cards except special ones, its double precision performance is a small fraction of that at about 280 gigaflops (figures from the Wikipedia page where NVIDIA post their specs). This is why you're not getting much better matrix multiply performance out of your GPU than your CPU - this would be dramatically different in single. It is perfectly normal for an algorithm to run faster on the CPU than on one of these graphics-focussed cards, especially if it is an algorithm with a lot of unvectorized loops and a multiprocess parallelization.
Akzeptierte Antwort
Matt J
am 28 Aug. 2019
Bearbeitet: Matt J
am 6 Sep. 2019
This modification uses mat2tiles from the File Exchange, to help divide the computation into bigger, vectorized chunks
It runs in about 2 seconds on my graphics card (GeForce GTX 1080 Ti). Aside from increased vectorization, the key is to eliminate all the indexing expressions x([1:i-1, i+1:end]). Those are costly.
gnu_bar = gpuArray(nu_bar);
gK = gpuArray(K);
gdK = gpuArray(dK);
gdN_KK = gpuArray(dN_KK);
vvchunks=mat2tiles( vv , [1,chunksize]);
for k=1:numel(vvchunks)
gdN_KK = 2*gdN_KK + gK./(2*gnu_bar) + gdK;
toc %Elapsed time is 2.027665 seconds.
15 Kommentare
Matt J
am 6 Sep. 2019
Bearbeitet: Matt J
am 6 Sep. 2019
Okay, I did make a few fixes, but now to be sure we're on the same page, I share the test code below, and I see strong agreement between the two versions
nubar_low = 2450;
nubar_high = 2451;
p_density = 100; %points per wavenumber
nu_bar = nubar_low:1/p_density:nubar_high;
K = zeros(size(nu_bar));
nub = nu_bar;
n_inf = 0;
nub = nu_bar;
k_max = 0.01; %max k
nub_0 = 2800; %nu bar center to absorption
gamma = 50; %width of the absortion
K = k_max * (gamma/2)^2 * ( ((nub-nub_0).^2 + (gamma/2)^2).^-1 - ((nub+nub_0).^2 + (gamma/2)^2).^-1);
% dK data is the derivative of K --> d(K)/d(nubar)
% Use value on either side of the point where possible
dK = zeros(size(K));
dK(2:end-1) = (K(3:end)-K(1:end-2))./(nu_bar(3:end)-nu_bar(1:end-2));
% Endpoints are special case.
dK(1) = (K(2)-K(1))./(nu_bar(2)-nu_bar(1));
dK(end) = (K(end)-K(end-1))./(nu_bar(end)-nu_bar(end-1));
dN_KK = zeros(1,len);
gnu_bar = gpuArray(nu_bar);
gK = gpuArray(K);
gdK = gpuArray(dK);
gdN_KK = gpuArray(dN_KK);
%%%% ORIGINAL %%%%%
for i = 1:len
gdN_KK(i) = sum(gnu_bar([1:i-1, i+1:end]) .* gK([1:i-1, i+1:end]) ./ (gnu_bar([1:i-1, i+1:end]).^2 - gnu_bar(i).^2));
gdN_KK(i) = 2*gdN_KK(i) + gK(i)./(2*gnu_bar(i)) + gdK(i);
version1 = gdN_KK ;
%%%% OPTIMIZED %%%%%%
vvchunks=mat2tiles( vv , [1,chunksize]);
for k=1:numel(vvchunks)
gdN_KK = 2*gdN_KK + gK./(2*gnu_bar) + gdK;
toc %Elapsed time is 2.027665 seconds.
version2 = gdN_KK ;
plot(1:len,version1,'-',1:len,+version2,'x'); legend('Lloyd','Matt')
Weitere Antworten (1)
Lloyd Bumm
am 6 Sep. 2019
Bearbeitet: Lloyd Bumm
am 6 Sep. 2019
3 Kommentare
Joss Knight
am 6 Sep. 2019
Thanks. The only explanation for that is that your cost is all overhead on the GPU, and not computation.
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