How to flip my image

174 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Jesse Schultz
Jesse Schultz am 21 Aug. 2019
Kommentiert: Jesse Schultz am 21 Aug. 2019
I have an image that I must flip using a nested for loop to flip the image vertically and horizontally, I have written a code that I think works but there is something wrong with it that it isn't. What have I done wrong?
%make 2d arrays values
[row, column] =size(imageData)
%Use nested loops to change image mirrored
for i=[row:-1:1];
for j=[column:-1:1];
transposedMatrix(column, row) = imageData(i,j);
  5 Kommentare
Jesse Schultz
Jesse Schultz am 21 Aug. 2019
Bearbeitet: Jesse Schultz am 21 Aug. 2019
flipped both vertically and horizontally
Adam am 21 Aug. 2019
Well, a flip instruction would be more like exchanging position i with row - i and j with column - j

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Joel Handy
Joel Handy am 21 Aug. 2019
Bearbeitet: Joel Handy am 21 Aug. 2019
The are a few problems with your code. First, if you want the image, you dont want to transpose. That will flip and rotate, As adam has pointed out, column and row, you arent actuall transposing anyway. A better and correct way to transpose is to use permute.
newImage = permute(imageData, [2 1 3]);
To actually flip, you should be able to use the flip function
newImage = flip(imageData,1);
newImage = flip(newImage,2);
  3 Kommentare
Joel Handy
Joel Handy am 21 Aug. 2019
I that case . . .
%make 2d arrays values
[row, column] = size(imageData);
%Use nested loops to change image mirrored
for i=[1:row]
for j=[1:column]
newImage((row-i)+1, (column-j)+1) = imageData(i,j);
You dont want to transpose rows and colums, you want to flip the the indexes within rows and columns.
Jesse Schultz
Jesse Schultz am 21 Aug. 2019
Thats exactly what I was doing wrong, thankyou!

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