Dear MatLab Experts,
I have four column vectors with 14 elements representing respectively:
Area, Max.Diameter, Min.Diameter, Field Size Factor (FSF) of custom-made collimators.
I believe the FSF depends somehow on the other three quantities. The dependence is not linear.
I woud like to tryto model the FSF as a power law involving products of the other quantities.
For instance, FSF ~a*(Max.Diam*Min.Diam)^b + c*(Area/Max.Diam)^d + e*(Area/Min.Diam)^f + g*(Max.Diam/Min.Diam)^h + i
where a, b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i are the unknown model coefficients.
I am pretty sure most of the terms are useless. Perobably just one is necessary for the model. However, I do not know which one is the most important term. I expect the modeling function will figure that out.
My problem is that I do not know how to write the above formula in the proper format expected by the nonlinear regression functions.
I need some help to set up the above outlined particular model.
Thank you very much in advance.
Best regards,
Maura E. M.