Converting high order transfer functions model to discrete

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
I'm trying to convert a continuous model of order 14 with Matlab, but the function c2d is not giving correct results. My model comes from an identification of idfrd models in Matlab. I'm familiar with the precision problems of transfer function models, and the conversion works fine with state space models. But I need to conevrt this model into biquadratic filters coefficients, and so, I need a discrete transfer function model. Any idea on how to get around this problem ?
  5 Kommentare
Romain Liechti
Romain Liechti am 29 Jul. 2019
It's a transfer function model, from an identification with tfest.
Romain Liechti
Romain Liechti am 30 Jul. 2019
Bearbeitet: Romain Liechti am 30 Jul. 2019
I managed to have biquadratic filter coefficients by converting the model to zpk, and then separate manually the model into biquadratic filter (2 poles and 2 zeros) in order to convert them to digital separately. I still have a problem with this technique creating complex poles and zeros that I cannot convert to biquadratic digital filters coefficients. So an alternative solution would be to convert it to zpk without creating complex poles, is that possible ?

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Rajiv Singh
Rajiv Singh am 31 Jul. 2019
If the identified model has complex poles, you can't wish them away by converting to zpk. Note that complex poles come in conjugate pairs, so a real filter can still be created. If you are looking for a modal separation (sum of first and second order transfer functions), see modalfit in Signal Processing Toolbox.
Regarding high order TF identification with TFEST: Note that a high order transfer function is going to be ill-conditioned. If you need to work with such high orders, I would stringly suggest using state-space identification (see SSEST).
  1 Kommentar
Romain Liechti
Romain Liechti am 3 Aug. 2019
I finally found another solution, using zp2sos to get the biquadratic filters coefiicients from the complete model. It works fine.

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