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Need Instantaneous PID Value

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Mohsina Zafar
Mohsina Zafar am 11 Jul. 2019
Kommentiert: Mohsina Zafar am 11 Jul. 2019
I am using PID controller and the input is 3x1. The output I am getting is in 3x1 tf format. But I need it to be 3x1 double at a single time instant.
(I will use a for loop later in which T_x will vary. At this moment, I am initializing T_x as [0;0;0])
Following is the code:
T_d=[0;0;0]; %desired value
C_PD = pid(100,0,10,100);

Akzeptierte Antwort

Raj am 11 Jul. 2019
"The output I am getting is in 3x1 tf format" - This is correct because as per definition 'pid' command creates a continuous-time pid controller in parallel form. Basically you get a transfer function as a controller. When you multiply a constant (your input) to this transfer function, you get another transfer function.
"I need it to be 3x1 double at a single time instant"- One way is to convert the output from s domain to time domain using ilaplace or you can use the file exchange function given here. You will get your outputs as function of time from which you can easily substitute and get value of outputs at a particular time instant.

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