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More control over created files by Embedded Coder

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Manuel Stumpf
Manuel Stumpf am 1 Jul. 2019
I currently use an AUTOSAR target to generate file for my project.
My model includes a couple of Matlab Function blocks which give me additional .h/.c files after code generation.
If was wondering if it possible to reduce the number of files created or at least give me some control of the generated file names.
Here are examples of some file created (I use the built-in Matlab functions "all" and "any"):
I don't want these files in the first place, but additionally there seems to be some name mangling happening which I think is totally unnecessary. To be able to release a clean version of my module, I'd much prefer that Embedded Coder to generate only one .h/.c file. If that's not possible, I'd at least get rid of the random suffix.
Also, the same is happening with local functions that I wrote and that are used in the Matlab Function blocks (nested and standalone).

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